
First-Day Performance of Our North-East-West Array with IQ8 and Jinko N-Type Panels

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Our recent residential project showcases the power of using innovative technology for fantastic energy savings. Our commitment to utilising top-tier technology led us to our newest project featuring Enphase IQ8 microinverters paired with Jinko 475-watt N-type panels. This configuration was carefully chosen to maximise energy efficiency and output, ensuring that our installations not only meet but exceed the energy needs of our clients. The versatility and advanced technology of these components allow us to optimise installations for varied solar exposures, essential for maximising performance in any geographical setting.

Installation Details

Our latest installation features a strategic arrangement of panels facing north, east, and west. This orientation maximises sunlight capture throughout the day, making it ideal for areas where sunlight varies. By utilising different directions, we ensure that energy production is consistent and efficient, regardless of the sun’s position.

Technical Specifications of IQ8 Microinverters:

  • Design: IQ8 Microinverters are pivotal in efficient DC to AC power conversion, adapting seamlessly whether the grid is active or down.
  • Technology: Built on a custom ASIC using 55nm technology, these microinverters can swiftly adapt to load changes and grid disturbances, enhancing battery efficiency and reducing size constraints.
  • Compatibility: Fully integrated into the Enphase Energy System, including connections with Enphase IQ Battery and the Enphase App for detailed energy monitoring and analysis.
  • Reliability and Safety: With over one million hours of cumulative testing and a leading 25-year warranty, the IQ8 series is designed for long-term reliability and complies with advanced safety standards.

Technical Specifications of Jinko 475 watt N-type Panels:

  • Efficiency: Utilising N-Type technology, these panels achieve a remarkable 22.01% module efficiency with minimal degradation.
  • Durability: Engineered to endure extreme environmental conditions, the panels are tested against heavy wind loads and offer low degradation rates, promising long-lasting performance with a 25-year product warranty and a 30-year power output warranty.

First Half-Day of Statistics

On the inaugural day of our new solar panel installation featuring IQ8 microinverters and Jinko 475-watt N-type panels, we were able to gather crucial data demonstrating the efficiency and capability of our system. Here’s a deeper look into the performance metrics from the first day:

  • Total Energy Produced: 19.3 kWh
  • Energy Consumed: 7.7 kWh
  • Energy Exported: 16.0 kWh
  • Energy Imported: 4.5 kWh
  • Net Energy Exported: 11.5 kWh


The graph captures the energy production and consumption over midday til darkness. The graph shows peaks of production during midday when sunlight is abundant, with a clear drop as the sun sets. Conversely, energy consumption peaks in the morning and evening, correlating with typical household usage patterns. This visualisation helps in understanding how well the solar system aligns with energy needs and production capabilities.

The data from the first half-day is extremely promising and indicates that the system is not only performing as expected but is also efficiently integrating with household and grid energy systems. The high level of energy exported to the grid, coupled with the efficient consumption pattern of the household, showcases the potential for energy independence and the pivotal role residential solar can play in enhancing sustainable energy ecosystems. These statistics will continue to be monitored to gauge long-term performance trends and to make any necessary adjustments to optimise the system further.

Environmental Impact

The environmental benefits of solar energy systems are profound, particularly in the reduction of carbon emissions compared to traditional fossil fuel energy sources. Within the half-day, our solar installation produced 19.3 kWh of energy, directly displacing the need for equivalent energy generation from conventional power plants, which predominantly use fossil fuels. Here’s an in-depth look at the environmental impact based on the first set of statistics:

Carbon Emission Offsets

  1. Calculation Basis: To calculate the carbon emissions saved, we can use the average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions factor for grid electricity. In Australia, for example, the average CO2 emissions from electricity generation can be around 0.9 kg CO2 per kWh (this figure varies significantly by state and the specific energy mix).
  2. Total Emissions Saved: By producing 19.3 kWh of solar energy, the system potentially avoided around 17.37 kg of CO2 on its first day (19.3 kWh * 0.9 kg CO2/kWh).
  3. Extended Impact: Annually, assuming similar daily production, this installation could avoid approximately 6,340 kg of CO2 (17.37 kg/day * 365 days). This is equivalent to the carbon sequestered by approximately 298 mature trees.

Broader Environmental Benefits

  • Reduction in Air Pollutants: Apart from reducing CO2 emissions, solar power generation also reduces the emission of other harmful pollutants, such as sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), which are known to cause respiratory problems and contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone and smog.
  • Water Conservation: Solar PV systems do not require water for electricity generation, which is a significant advantage over coal, gas, and nuclear power plants, which require vast amounts of water for cooling purposes. By avoiding the use of water, solar power helps conserve crucial water resources, which is particularly important in arid regions or areas facing water scarcity.
  • Energy Security and Sustainability: By generating electricity at the point of use, solar systems reduce the load on the power grid and minimize energy loss that occurs during long-distance electricity transmission. This contributes to a more robust and reliable energy grid, enhancing energy security.
  • Supporting Local Economies: The installation and maintenance of solar energy systems create jobs and support local economies without the environmental degradation associated with extracting and transporting fossil fuels.

Sunny Success

The initial results from our solar installation featuring Enphase IQ8 microinverters and Jinko 475 watt N-type panels are not just promising; they represent a concrete step forward in our commitment to sustainable energy solutions. Even thought it was only half the day of production, the statistics showcased how effectively this technology can meet and exceed typical residential energy needs while contributing positively to the environment. This successful launch serves as a clear indication of the reliability, efficiency, and environmental benefits of our cutting-edge solar solutions.


As we move forward, we remain committed to monitoring and optimising the systems to ensure they deliver the maximum possible environmental and economic benefits. The insights gained from ongoing performance data will help us refine our solutions, ensuring they remain at the forefront of the solar industry. We are excited about the future of solar energy and its role in our journey towards a more sustainable world.


Are you ready to take a step towards a sustainable future? Transparent Solar Solutions is at your service to guide you through the transition to solar energy—a choice that benefits not only the planet but also your household. By choosing our solar solutions, you can enjoy significant savings on energy costs, increase your energy independence, and contribute to a healthier environment.


Join the movement towards a sustainable future with Transparent Solar Solutions. Explore how our tailored solar solutions can benefit your home or business economically and environmentally. Visit our solutions for more information, and stay tuned for more updates on our projects and their impacts.

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